Club Rates
- Non Members Rates
- Single set - € 60
- Ten pack - € 500
- Five pack - € 250
- Members Rates
- Membership - € 250
- Single set - € 30
- Wakeboard Boat (advanced riders)
- Single set - € 80
- Ten pack - € 650
- Five pack - € 300
- Members Rates
- Single set - € 40
Watersport Equipment
- Wakeboarding boats and gear
The club has 2 boats for wakeboarding use. The ski boat is suitable for novice adults, kids and teens and has a training bar in order for you to find your feet when begining to board. We also supply all wetsuits and other boarding equipement but your welcome to bring your own if you'd like. Expert coaching is provided and before you know it you'll be boarding and learning how to work the wake. The wakeboard boat is for the more advanced boarder and provides one of the best wakes in the country. Advanced boarders will find this boat provides everything they need to hone their tricks and learn some new ones.
- Waterskiing boats and gear
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